Arrogance according to Merriam Webster is an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in a presumptuous claims or assumptions. Here is the catch: "Assumptions" and Webster got right in our case. Many in this country claim superiority over others in different ways but guess what? All this superiority is built on irrelevant and fake assumptions. This growing phenomena is the number one killer in our country and it is growing fast. Besides all the obvious reasons from the creation of the "nouveau riche" in the post-war era to the "copy-paste" method of many concepts from the West without passing through the normal evolution into those concepts, there is a socio-psychological reason behind this phenomena.
It seems to me that many of those who have this sense of arrogance in this country are those who either achieved something relatively minor or achieved nothing and they either truly believe that their achievements are significant or they know the limitation of their achievements. Approaching this phenomena through this angle will definitely relieve you and will keep you sane if you want to live here. People in this small society are very close to one another and this closeness automatically creates social pressure in addition to other forms of pressure. This pressure pushes one to achieve and many average persons are psychologically paying the price. In case one's achievements were non-impressive or nonexistent, one has to create this wall between him/her and the society in order to hide one's weaknesses. From behind this wall, one either has to amplify his/her minor achievements, invent virtual ones or has to materialistically substitute for his/her lacking in this aspect. Don't get me wrong here; we all like luxury and we all seek to serve our comfort in the physical world but not to the point when our belongings define us or when it becomes a pillar of our identity. This show off society makes many outside observers sick while when one try to look at this issue from this perspective, it actually makes one feel bad.
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